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501(c)(3) Nonprofit Based in El Paso

501(c)(3) Nonprofit Based in El Paso

At Holy Ghost Powered Ministries, we stand as a beacon of compassion and unwavering faith, dedicated to the noble mission of providing hope, support, and restoration to those in dire need. Rooted in our Christian beliefs, we tirelessly work to uplift the lives of the less fortunate, extending a helping hand to the homeless, single parents, the elderly, and anyone who finds themselves in the shadows of adversity.

Our shelter, with its warm, inviting hues of yellow and blue, is more than just a place of refuge; it's a sanctuary of hope, resounding with the promise of renewal. In the heart of Texas, Louisiana, Alabama, Georgia, North Carolina, and New York City, we have made it our unwavering commitment to serve our communities with love and devotion.

We invite you to be a part of our mission, to witness the transformation, and to experience the profound impact of your support. Together, we can illuminate even the darkest corners, offering a lifeline to those in distress, and helping them find their way back to brighter days.